Lew Rockwell commented this week, as a guest at RT, on the effort by President Barack Obama, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and others to stir in Americans a fear of Russia. Likening the effort to an effort made during the cold war to stir in Americans a fear of the Soviet Union, Rockwell, who is the chairman of the Ludwig von Mises Institute and publisher of lewrockwell.com, urges individuals to look instead to the advice of President George Washington.
Rockwell relates that Washington’s farewell address includes advice that “we want to be friends with anybody who wants to be friends with us, trade with everybody who wants to trade with us, not be belligerent.” “That was good advice in the 1790s; it’s good advice now,” continues Rockwell.
Watch Rockwell’s complete interview here:
Read Washington’s presidential farewell address here.
Rockwell is a member of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity Advisory Board.
Reprinted with permission from the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity.