Moderna’s Bird Flu Shots Bonanza

On July 2, I wrote about the United States government’s new version of Operation Warp Speed undertaken in the name of countering bird flu. An early component of the new program for expedited bird flu mRNA shots development, I noted, involved the US government providing 176 million dollars to Moderna. All indications were that other companies would also be diving in for dollars as this program and other bird flu related government actions progress.

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States Declare Independence from the Biden Administration’s ‘Sexual Orientation’ and ‘Gender Identity’ Regulations

Last Thursday was Independence Day, commemorating when delegations from the thirteen colonies approved the Declaration of Independence. Often overlooked today is that the Declaration of Independence asserted the independence of each colony as its own nation — a state. The Declaration of Independence did not assert the existence of an overarching nation of the United States of America.

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The Israel Government’s October 7 ‘Mass Hannibal’

In the first few weeks after the October 7, 2023 Hamas attack on Israel, Max Blumenthal was alerting people via his writing at The Grayzone that a significant portion of the killing the Israel government was blaming on Hamas appeared to have actually been done by the Israel government itself. Apparently contributing to this outcome, wrote Blumenthal, was an Israel government policy called the Hannibal Directive.

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The Gaza Death Toll Is Likely Multiples Higher than Commonly Reported

Last month, I wrote about how the death toll from Israel’s war in Gaza may be significantly higher than the commonly cited estimate that has lately been stuck at under 40,000 individuals. A Friday article at The Lancet medical journal makes the case that the death toll, conservatively estimated, may be more than four times higher — even if the war were to end immediately.

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Introducing Operation Warp Speed 2, for Bird Flu

Back in December of 2020, then United Staes President Donald Trump was touting the supposed great accomplishment of his Operation Warp Speed quickly producing coronavirus “vaccines.” Trump and politicians, bureaucrats, and media members at the national, state, and local level then did everything they could to maximize the number of people who took successive shots incessantly proclaimed to be “safe and effective.”

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The Trouble with Biden

In January I wrote that Donald Trump would likely jump at the opportunity of playing to his strength in debating Joe Biden, but that Biden, relentlessly shielded from reporters’ questioning and notorious for his “incoherence and apparent confusion in speaking engagements” as president had good reason to decline any opportunity to debate. Well, Thursday night a debate between Trump and Biden took place — the first of two scheduled, and it was a disaster for Biden.

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