While other professional sports organizations are imposing much pressure on competitors to take experimental coronavirus vaccine shots, Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) president Dana White is taking a refreshingly different and pro-freedom approach to the matter. He is declaring he will mind his own business, saying a decision whether to take or not take shots is a personal decision.
Interviewed recently by Aaron Bronsteter at TSN, White declared:
I would never tell another human being what to do with their body. If you want to get vaccinated, that’s up to you. That’s your choice. You’re never gonna hear me say ‘I’m gonna force people to get vaccinated.’ Never gonna happen.
White further stated:
Some people are getting fired if they don’t get vaccinated. Yeah, that’s not gonna happen here. You wanna get vaccinated? Get vaccinated. If you don’t, that’s your decision, your body.
Read more about White’s stand for freedom that is setting the UFC apart from other professional sports organizations in a Thursday Breitbart article by Dylan Gwinn.
Watch White’s interview here, in which he also discusses how UFC will, if necessary, ditch doing events in places such as England and New York City in favor of places including Florida, Texas, Arizona, and Las Vegas to ensure the events can be put on in a normal manner — without coronavirus panic restrictions including requiring “social distancing” and mask wearing.
While the UFC appears to be respecting fighters’ free choice to take or not take experimental coronavirus vaccines, some of which are not even vaccines under the normal meaning of the term, it has subjected fighters to other coronavirus-related requirements before certain events. Prior to a May event in Las Vegas, for example, an ESPN article by Ariel Helwani noted that fighters were required to take coronavirus tests and isolate themselves at a hotel.
Reminder, for young professional athletes, the risk of death or major sickness from coronavirus appears to be incredibly low. Professional sports organizations would likely do athletes more good trying to protect them from lightning strikes than bossing them around in a purported effort to protect them from coronavirus.
Reprinted with permission from the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity .