In a Friday Reason article by Zuri Davis, Davis discusses a conversation she had the day before with Libertarian Party presidential nominee Jo Jorgensen. It was interesting to see Davis recount in the article that Jorgensen expressed approval of mask mandates for government buildings.
Davis writes:
The conversation then shifts to the COVID-19 pandemic.
‘We’re all adults, and it shouldn’t be against the law to be stupid,’ Jorgensen says.
Jorgensen notes that with personal freedom comes responsibility. While she doesn’t support mask mandates (‘unless we’re talking about a government building’) or even a forced vaccine in the event that one is developed, Jorgensen sees private companies enacting mask policies as a sign that most Americans are taking the pandemic seriously.
Sometime soon you may find yourself approaching a government building, whether to exercise in a city’s recreation center, attend an event at a government-owned venue, attend classes at a government school, obtain official government documents, observe or speak at a meeting of elected or appointed government officials, discuss an important matter with government employees or office holders, participate in a court proceeding, or do whatever else. When you see a sign on the front door saying “Mask Required,” or when a guard tells you to put on a mask or leave, you can think of Jorgensen nodding in approval.
Reprinted with permission from the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity.