It looks like people in Colorado, the state that along with Washington led the way in marijuana relegalization via ballot measure votes in 2012, will soon have significantly expanded legal choices for how they obtain and where they use marijuana. Kyle Jaeger reports at Marijuana Moment that the state Senate approved two marijuana bills this week, one legalizing delivery of medical and recreational marijuana to homes and the other legalizing the creation of “hospitality spaces” where marijuana may be consumed. These hospitality spaces could be connected to or separate from places where marijuana is legally sold.
Earlier this year, Alaska adopted regulations that would make it the first legalization state to explicitly permit marijuana consumption at some places across the state where marijuana is legally sold.
It is expected that Colorado Governor Jared Polis, who has long supported legal marijuana and as governor is promoting the development of a leading marijuana industry in the state, will sign into law both bills. The home delivery bill, which had already been passed in the state House of Representatives, went directly to Polis for consideration. The Senate-passed hospitality spaces bill went to the governor after the additional step of being approved by the state House of Representatives, given that the Senate-passed bill is an amended version of a bill the House had earlier approved.
Reprinted with permission from the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity.