The Future of Freedom Foundation (FFF) has made available video of Ron Paul’s speech at FFF’s June 3 conference. Paul, who is chairman of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, jokes early on the in the speech about the Bilderberg meeting being held at the same time at another northern Virginia hotel, before proceeding to deliver his speech concerning issues of the day.
In his speech, Paul presents his idea of how America should be a world leader — an idea very different from that advanced by many of the people attending the Bilderberg meeting Paul had mentioned in the speech introduction. Paul explains:
I think we should be a world leader. But, their idea — the opposition — their idea of a world leader is we own it, that we have an empire and we support it and you do it with a gun. I have another idea about supporting world leadership. Why couldn’t we have a country based on personal liberty, nonintervention in our lives, nonintervention in the economy, nonintervention in other people’s affairs, have sound money and free markets, and set a standard and be the real leader of the world — not because we’re telling them what to do but maybe because they would like to emulate what we are doing because of our success? That is my idea of being a world leader.
Watch Paul’s complete speech here:
Reprinted with permission from the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity.