President Donald Trump has to “fear the intelligence community,” declared Andrew Napolitano in a new interview with host Neil Cavuto at Fox News, after “American scoundrels” in the “unelected deep state bureaucracy” leaked information about Michael Flynn’s conversation with the Russian ambassador to the United States to get Flynn fired and “humiliate” Trump.
Looking to Trump’s situation now with the intelligence community, Napolitano, who is the Fox News senior judicial analyst and a Ron Paul Institute Advisory Board member, states:
Now the president is confronted with this problem, Neil: Will the intelligence community truthfully and accurately tell the president what they know about threats to the United States, or do they not trust the president and will they keep vital information from him? “They” [being] the same people who leaked this stuff about General Flynn.
Watch Napolitano’s short and powerful interview here:
UPDATE: Napolitano discussed the intelligence community threat to Trump more in a new video commentary. In the commentary, Napolitano declares:
There are obviously elements in the United States government, in the intelligence community, that want to frustrate Donald Trump. They want to frustrate his presidency because he is a threat to their power center, because he knows that they wish them ill and they have caused him harm, and now they are striking back.
Napolitano concludes his commentary with this advice for Trump: “There are elements in the government — executive branch of the government that works for you, Mr. President — that you need to get rid of.”
Watch Napolitano’s video commentary here:
Reprinted with permission from the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity.