While Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) is using the downed Malaysia Airlines passenger airplane to justify his call for escalating US military support for the Ukraine government, RPI Academic Board Member Lawrence Wilkerson counters that the key to creating a neutral, at peace, and more prosperous Ukraine is for “cooler heads” to prevail over the calls for military escalation made by people including McCain, whom Wilkerson calls a “raving maniac.”
Wilkerson explains in a Real News Network Interview on Sunday his recommendation of how these cooler heads can end the fighting in Ukraine, saying:
What we need to do — Putin, the European Union, and the United States and the Ukrainians of any type, separatists or in the east or west, Crimea, Odessa, or wherever — is stop this business of killing one another and seek a political solution to the problem. I’ve said before, we need to have a neutral Ukraine, neither aligned with Russia nor the United States nor the European Union — a Ukraine that nonetheless is helped by all three to become more stable, politically and economically, and a Ukraine that is not coveted by anyone.
As Wilkerson mentions, this is a solution he has discussed previously. Two MSNBC interviews of Wilkerson in March provide further details.
While Wilkerson refers to McCain as a maniac and a madman in the Real News Network interview, Wilkerson also takes McCain seriously. The College of William and Mary professor and former aide to Secretary of State Colin Powell cautions that McCain, McCain’s philosophical allies, and military-industrial complex companies can make a powerful push against the steps needed to bring peace to Ukraine. Indeed, people like McCain in the past, Wilkerson explains, have prevailed over cooler heads to push the US into wars including the Mexican-American War and the Spanish-American War.
Continue reading at the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity.