In an engaging, wide-ranging interview with Peter Z. Scheer at Truthdig, RPI Advisory Board Member Dennis Kucinich expanded on his statement earlier this month on Democracy Now that “interventionism is not the wave of the future,” by explaining in the new interview that Americans “have to break the war culture.”
Kucinich elaborates:
We have to break the war culture. We have to stop believing that we have a hammer for every nail that is out there. We’ve got to come to an understanding that our role in the world should be not a nation above nations but a nation among nations.
Kucinich proceeds to comment that “the rise of the strength of the security state, which has pulverized privacy, which is a right guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment…has occurred apace with America’s increased interventions,” with the pace of change accelerating since September 11, 2001.
Kucinich continues his examination of the matter by offering a stark choice:
We have to decide who we are as a nation. And, if all we are going to be is a war machine — a juggernaut — we will not survive as a nation, we will not survive as a free country, we will disintegrate.
In the 20 minute interview, Kucinich also addresses several other subjects including Cleveland’s selection as the location for the 2016 Republican Party national convention, the lies used to justify the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, and Kucinich’s thoughts regarding the Republican and Democrat Parties.
Continue reading at the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity.