Judge Napolitano: Bundy Ranch Protestors’ Line in the Sand Stops Thieving Feds

Judge Andrew Napolitano, speaking Monday with Stuart Varney on Fox Business, explains the significance of the United States government backing off its raid of the Bundy ranch in Nevada after “suffering such a terrible PR loss” from its confrontation with protestors, explaining:

And the resistance that they got, made it sound like, ‘Enough is enough with the federal government, we are drawing a line in the sand right here’. And it drew people from all around the country who basically said to the feds, ‘Quit your heavy-handed theft of property, and act like you are a normal litigant and not God Almighty.’

Napolitano, an RPI Advisory Board member, argues that Nevada officials should have arrested people involved in the raid of the Bundy ranch and the stealing of the ranch’s cattle.

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